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Tyler Legg
Charlotte, NC, United States
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Friday, December 9, 2011

December is here and you're probably looking to find that perfect gift for that angler/fly tyer on your list. What better way to check that angler off of the list than a visit to your local fly shop? Not only are you greeted and helped by fellow addicted fly anglers who live and breath fly fishing, you are helping to stimulate your local economy. It's a win-win situation in my book.

Big box stores are choking small businesses. I'm not bashing those large corporations, but simply saying that local fly shops will greatly appreciate your business. I'll admit, every now and then I'll purchase a thing or two from one of the big box stores, but I do it sparingly and usually only because my local shop doesn't carry the item I'm looking for. Whether or not you order online or at the shop, spread the love! Show your support.

Not sure what to get that angler? Here's a top ten list of some popular fly fishing items that are sure to make any fly fisherman all giddy inside. Keep in mind, some shops don't carry certain brands (Orvis dealers may not carry Simms products and vice versa).

10. Simms G4 Pro Stockingfoot waders

9. Orvis Pro Guide Waders

8. Renzetti Traveler Pedestal Base Rotary Vise

7. Scott S4

6. A Mooseknuckle Lanyard

5. Fishpond Wasatch Tech Pack

4. Orvis ZG Helios fly rod

3. Ross Fly Start 2 reel

2. Jeb Hall's renowned books, Western North Carolina Fly Guide or The Southern Appalachian Fly Guide

1. And of course, a box full of hand selected flies for your area is always an excellent idea. The shop guys/girls will help you out on a perfect selection. If they don't, well...

Have a recommendation? Feel free to share!


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