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Tyler Legg
Charlotte, NC, United States
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Sunday, September 25, 2011

Fall has arrived! Anglers across NC have been counting down the days. Delayed Harvest picks back up on Saturday, October 1st, giving fly anglers another fishing opportunity. Wild and catch & release waters have really been the only promising destinations, as always in the summer. Hatchery Supported waters, as a whole, have proven to be highly variable as hot summertime temperatures and harvesting have resulted in poor fishing. The combination of the delay of harvesting fish and cooler temperatures associated with DH season will open the doors for some spectacular fishing pretty soon.

To top it all off, the weather looks to be cool with crisp mornings by next weekend.

Remember, not all DH waters will be stocked the very first day (October 1st). However, most will be stocked within the following days. Check the NCWRC Stocking Report throughout the season for a weekly update on what waters have been stocked. They update the report every Friday at noon. The guys at Davidson River Outfitters do a great job of informing everyone on what waters have been stocked in the Asheville area.

Here's the long list of DH waters to chose from:

Ashe County
Trout Lake
Helton Creek (Virginia state line to New River)
Burke County
Jacob Fork (Shinny Creek to lower South Mountains State Park boundary)
Caldwell County
Wilson Creek (game land portion below Lost Cove Creek to Phillips Branch)
Haywood County
West Fork Pigeon River (Queen Creek to the first game land boundary upstream of Lake Logan)
Henderson County
North Fork Mills River (game land portion below the Hendersonville watershed dam)
Jackson County
Tuckasegee River (downstream N.C. 107 bridge to the falls located 275 yards upstream of the U.S. 23-441 bridge [marked by a sign on each bank])
Macon County
Nantahala River (Whiteoak Creek to Nantahala hydropower discharge canal)
Madison County
Big Laurel Creek (N.C. 208 bridge to the U.S. 25-70 bridge)
Shelton Laurel Creek (N.C. 208 bridge at Belva to the confluence with Big Laurel Creek)
Spring Creek (N.C. 209 bridge at Hot Springs city limits to iron bridge at end of Andrews Avenue — also classified as Mountain Heritage Trout Waters, please refer to the Commission’s Regulations Digest for additional information)
McDowell County
Curtis Creek (game land portion downstream of the U.S. Forest Service boundary at Deep Branch)
Mill Creek (U.S. 70 bridge to I-40 bridge — also classified as Mountain Heritage Trout Waters, please refer to the Commission’s Regulations Digest for additional information)
Mitchell County
Cane Creek (N.C. 226 bridge to N.C. 80 bridge — also classified as Mountain Heritage Trout Waters, please refer to the Commission’s Regulations Digest for additional information)
North Toe River (U.S. 19E bridge to N.C. 226 bridge — also classified as Mountain Heritage Trout Waters, please refer to the Commission’s Regulations Digest for additional information)
Polk County
Green River (Fishtop Falls Access Area to the confluence with Cove Creek)
Surry County
Mitchell River (0.6 mile upstream of the end of S.R. 1333 to the S.R. 1330 bridge below Kapps Mill Dam)
Ararat River (N.C. 103 bridge to U.S. 52 bridge)
Transylvania County
East Fork French Broad River (Glady Fork to French Broad River)
Little River (confluence of Lake Dense to 100 yards downstream of Hooker Falls)
Watauga County
Watauga River (adjacent to intersection of S.R. 1557 and S.R. 1558 to N.C. 105 bridge and S.R. 1114 bridge to N.C. 194 bridge at Valle Crucis)
Coffee Lake
Wilkes County
East Prong Roaring River (mouth of Bullhead Creek downstream to Stone Mountain State Park boundary line)
Stone Mountain Creek (from falls at Alleghany County line to confluence with East Prong Roaring River and Bullhead Creek)
Reddies River (Town of North Wilkesboro water intake dam to confluence with Yadkin River)
Elk Creek (portion on Leatherwood Mountains Development)
For more information on delayed-harvest regulations, weekly stocking updates, or trout fishing maps, visit www.ncwildlife.org/fishing.  

So, who's planning a DH trip in the near future?


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Stocking Schedule Changes!

Make sure you check out the new stocking schedule provided by the NCWRC!

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