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Tyler Legg
Charlotte, NC, United States
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Friday, September 9, 2011

Mark your calendars! The WNC Fly Fishing Expo is right around the corner. Complete with a slew of programs from expert anglers, plenty of exhibitors, some of the best BBQ in the area, beer tasting, and more fly fishing gear/fly tying supplies than you you can shake a stick (or 5wt) at.

I was asked again to do tying demonstrations, so I'll be hanging out during the latter part of Saturday AM (fishing from dawn until about 10:30 of course) and doing tying demos Saturday afternoon until about 5pm.

The Expo will be held on November 5th and 6th at the WNC Agricultural Center in Asheville. $10 at the door, kids under 16 get in free.


Bill Trussell said...

Is this Trout Expo larger than Troutfest in the Smokies. What are the funds used for during this event?

owl said...

We'll see you there! Bill, there's a list of vendors and such on their website. Looks like a pretty big show. As for what they use the money for - I have no idea. Whatever they want as far as I'm concerned. It doesn't have to be a charity or TU thing to get my interest. All ya gotta say is "fishin!" :)

Tyler Legg said...

Not sure on where all proceeds go. I'm sure some of it goes towards a cause of some sort. Like Owl said, as long as it involves fishing, I'm there!

The WNC Fly Fishing Expo is, right now, considerably smaller than Troutfest. Troutfest has been around longer (not sure how much longer though) so T-Fest has built up repeat attendees. The Expo is currently doing what Troutfest has been doing over the past several years: making things bigger and better every year.

Anonymous said...

Two for one weekend for me. Tying some flies at the Fly Fishing Expo and run and camp out with the group of bikers I ride with. I'm looking forward to seeing some old friends and making some new ones.

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