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Tyler Legg
Charlotte, NC, United States
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Friday, December 17, 2010
1. Lower 50s here in the Piedmont of NC. Believe it or not, the last time Charlotte reached 50 was back on the 3rd. Pretty impressive. We dropped to 10 (some reports of 9) here in the Charlotte area the other morning. These cold temperatures, combined with decent amounts of snow (some places saw upwards of 16"+ from the last storm) have really hampered the fishing. It's not impossible at all to catch fish, but it's much harder as opposed to spring. Asheville is sitting at 39 right now, so it's warmer, but not exactly shorts and flip flop weather. Brad Sprinkle (teachrtec over on the forum) shared some cold looking pictures of ice forming on one of the rivers he frequents. Hopefully the snow will give the folks up in the mountains a break. Last year was bad enough. While snow is good, we don't need too much snow.

2. Expect the fishing to be a little on the slow side. Nymphs are outfishing dries by a wide margin. Still, a few BWOs may be seen, but it's not a given. A small #18-24 BWO nymph should be the ticket. Also, #18-22 Pheasant Tail Nymphs, Copper Johns, Micro Mays, and the such should interest lethargic trout. The key to success is getting that nymph down to the bottom of the stream. Use enough slit shot to do so. If you're not receiving any strikes, or you're not hanging up on the bottom every now and then, add some more split shot. Another tough obstacle to work around is the clear water. Light tippet is a must in most places. DH trout shouldn't shy away from 5x or 6x, but fish on the Davidson will. 7x or lighter is best on the D. If you head out, good luck!

3. I should be posting more over on Carolina Fly Tying now that it's winter. Look for more posts soon.


Owl Jones said...

Good post here. I can't remember when it was this cold, this early into winter! Brrrr! I usually look forward to winter, but I'm already plenty ready for spring this year!

Bill Trussell said...

I am reading your post and wishing for spring and warmer weather. I can't wait for March, that is when the browns start to become active on the Caney. Hope you have a great Christmas!!

Tyler Legg said...

@Owl- It's been a little too cold! A warm-up sounds good!

Bill- Thanks! Merry Christmas to you as well!

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