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Tyler Legg
Charlotte, NC, United States
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Saturday, July 17, 2010
I just got around to taking a few pictures of a handful of classic flies my great grandad owned years ago. Besides playing guitar in the popular bluegrass band Reno and Smiley, he was an avid outdoorsman. He grew up in Clyde, NC, so he frequented the nearby Pigeon River. I was given his old 6'9" fiberglass rod in addition to the box of flies (and a stack of his bluegrass records) when he passed back in 2005. Judging by the material used, the overall condition of the flies, and the lack of synthetic materials, they've got to be old. Not 1800's old, but old enough. When was the last time you saw golden pheasant tippets used for the tail on an Adams?! The hackle looks to be pre-genetic too.  Gnarly looking hackle for sure. He didn't tie, so I'm left to assume he purchased these.

The Tellico Nymph with all of it's hackleless glory.

Light Cahill dry. The cream colored quill has turned to a Quill Gordon color.

Royal Coachman dry.

Female Adams.

Quill Gordon Wet


Lance Milks said...

Very cool,

My dad has my great grandfathers old rod and flies. Youre right about how gnarly the hackle was back then. I have to say that the cahill in this post is in very good shape. Its funny how we seem to think that we need all these new materials and prime hackles to catch fish. Back then a little lint from a coat and maybe a feather or two from that bird you shot did the trick.

Tyler Legg said...

I was thinking the same thing. All of the material they used back then was natural. None of it was synthetic. The trout didn't seem to care either. As long as it looked like food!

Brk Trt said...

I love them. Old classic flies are so well done and its amazing what tyers did back when so many of the material we have today weren't available.

The stories those flies could tell.

Cherish them.

Brk Trt

Mark said...

Those really are great flies. Probably a lesson or two to be learned from these that some you have already touched on. Keeping it simple. What could be more natural looking to a trout than natural materials? Makes me want to rethink some if my own tying methods.

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