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Tyler Legg
Charlotte, NC, United States
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Friday, May 21, 2010
We're currently trying to figure out if we are living in the Pacific Northwest. Lawns around here haven't had time to dry out in between storms and showers. Or so it seems. Still, I'm not complaining at all. The more rain we see in the ol' rain bucket, the better. So far, water levels haven't reached the usual summertime levels. All of this rain should at least help in the long run. Don't count on it though. I really hope we don't experience the low water years we've seen in past years. Maybe we'll dodge the proverbial bullet. We shall see. Along with decent rainfall amounts, temperatures have been relatively comfortable. Unless you're fishing in higher elevation brook trout streams 3,500 ft plus), or you would rather not get wet, leave those waders in your car and wet wade. Water temps are allowing.

June is right around the corner. If you're an angler, you know what that means. Terrestrial season is inching closer and closer. Well, technically ants and beetles are falling into rivers right now. The list of terrestrials progresses, when trout start looking for hoppers soon. Go ahead and try a hopper right now if you have one in your box. I would tie on a beadhead Pheasant Tail Nymph or a Copper John (or any nymph of your choice) as a dropper right behind a hopper. Make sure you have Light Cahills, Yellow Sallies, March Browns, and Caddis patterns in your dry fly box. Yellow Sallies and Light Cahills are hatching in the evening. You're also bound to see some caddis fluttering around as well.

I'm preparing to hit the tying bench. If I create anything of interest, I'll snap a few pictures and post on the blog.


David Knapp said...

I have been seeing green inch worms hanging out of trees on the streams for probably the last month or so now so don't forget those Green Weeenies...

Tyler Legg said...

I've seen a few as well. Green Weenies seem to work anytime of the year!

Brk Trt said...

Love fishing beetles.
They are very effective for me.

Tyler Legg said...

Same here. They seem to always work this time of the year.

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