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Tyler Legg
Charlotte, NC, United States
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Friday, May 7, 2010
It is scorching outside! Temperatures in the Piedmont are pushing the 90° mark. The high for Asheville today is 85°. Boone is forecasted to reach 79° by later this afternoon. Not too bad temperature wise in the high country. The smallmouth bass fishing is really starting to pick up. They're mainly hitting subsurface flies such as crayfish patterns, Clousers, Zonkers, and Leeches. That doesn't necessarily mean they won't grab a popper or a frog pattern on the surface though. The New River, French Broad, Nolichucky, and lower elevation rivers in western North Carolina should be fishing well.

Early next week, waders are going to be needed again. Wet wading may have to go on hold for only a couple of days as colder temperatures are heading this way. In Asheville tomorrow night, temps are forecasted to dip into the lower 40's. Then, high temperatures on Sunday will be in the low 60's. A HUGE drop in temperatures for sure. The summit of Mt. Mitchell will likely see highs, yes highs, only in the mid to low 40's on Sunday!! Bring a coat and your waders if you plan on fishing Upper or Lower Creeks for brookies, both originating at 6,000ft on Mt. Mitchell. It's going to be chilly. The Quill Gordons are going to be confused. They hatch out in the early Spring when temps in the lower 60's occur. Still, don't worry, temperatures are going to rebound nicely throughout next week. Just in time for Troutfest next weekend. I'm glad we're not buried under 1-2 feet of snow like the higher elevations of Montana right now. Big snowstorm out there in some places. If we don't see any frosts soon, use terrestrials. In fact, I'd use a beetle or an ant pattern right now. They're everywhere. Inchworms should also work well too. Tie on a Green Weenie and watch your indicator stop and drop. Hoppers will become increasingly active soon as well.

With terrestrial season right around the corner, I wrote an article for the Little River Journal. Check it out here. While you're there, sign up for the monthly newsletter at the bottom of the page. There are some excellent articles that are put into the LRJ. Lefty Kreh, David Knapp, Jim Casada, David Perry and many others are just a few of the contributors.


Brk Trt said...

We had an early warm spring here also.

The days are warm, but the nights cool quickly.

We need rain.

Tyler Legg said...

The weather down here has been weird and inconsistent. We need to do a new rain dance or something, because we haven't had enough rain!!

Unknown said...

Stumbled on here like any fellow blogger occasionaly will. Great to see another Carolina blogger. Look forward to following your posts.

Tyler Legg said...

Thanks for stopping by! I'm following your blog as well.


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