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Tyler Legg
Charlotte, NC, United States
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Sunday, October 4, 2009
Well, Stone Mountain was on fire today folks. The temperatures were in the mid 60's most of the day, with overcast skies. My kinda weather!! Water temps were in the mid 50's, which means wader season is here and wet wading can be eliminated until next summer. Most of the folks visiting the park were hiking and searching for wildlife. I did see a handful of other fisherman, but the pressure was low. I was fisihng the East Prong Roaring River, where the recently stocked water gave way to excellent fishing. The fish (I'd say 90% of them were Brookies) were a little cautious about grabbing my fly, but that's what makes fly fishing fun. I ended up catching about a dozen, while missing literally 60-70 fish. They were rising to dries and taking small nymphs. One fish was unusually large. I saw him rising and tailing in calm, shallow water, only 10 inches deep or so. I tossed a #8 olive Slumpbuster streamer over to him and slowly stripped it in. Not too long after the fly hit the water, he swallowed the fly and I set the hook. Apparently he was a pretty smart fish, as he wiggled free and swam back down to his hole before I was able to bring him in. On 6x tippet and the absence of a landing net, I wouldn't have got him in close enough. (I didn't expect to hook up with anything big enough to need a net). My dad and I agreed he was probably 21-22 inches.


wollybugger said...

Wow, sounds like a great day. Thanks for including all the great pics. I'm looking to find some DH action for the first time, do you have any suggestions for TN rivers with good DH fishing?

Thanks again.

Tyler Legg said...


The Tellico River's DH is doing VERY well right now from what I've heard. The Tellico would be my #1 choice for DH in east TN.


Lance Milks said...

Hey Tyler,

Glad to hear of your success. I also had a good day on the water that Monday. If your ever headed up this way again, and dont mind sharing a stream, let me know.


Tyler Legg said...

Will do...It shouldn't be too long before I get back up that way.

Glad you had a great trip up there.

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