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Tyler Legg
Charlotte, NC, United States
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Sunday, July 19, 2009
My grandad has been an associate pastor for years. He has worked mostly in Texas, but North Carolina, Kentucky, and Tennessee have also been home to them. They lived in Middlesboro, KY 30 years ago. He worked as Associate Pastor at a church there in Middleboro. So, when he/we received an invite to see a play organized by the church on Friday, we jumped in the car and made the 2 1/2 hour trip north. I've never made it to Kentucky until now, so I was able to mark another visited state off of my list. I've been to NC, SC, GA, FL, VA, TN, MN, WY, ID, MT, but a state as close as KY is to NC/VA, I don't know why I've never jumped from VA to KY and back. Now, AR, PA, WV, MD, etc are on my list.
(above) The buildings here on Main St. were severely damaged after an EF 3 Tornado swept through town on May 9th 1988 causing $5,000,000 and $50,000,000 in damages. There was 1 fatality and 15 injuries.

One of many coal mines in KY...

(Above and Below) Hamilton County, TN sunset

Yesterday Evening on the Hiwassee...

"The fishing was great, it was the catching that was bad..." Good evening to take pictures and to enjoy being out on the river...


chagua said...

Hi Tyler, long time since my last visit. How are you and the fishing?
Here temperatures are almost boiling, but at night temps decrease a lot in Almazán, were I live.
I'm having a good summer with lots of fishing trips, good weather and good friends. I hope you have a fantastic summer too.

Greetings. Fernando.

Tyler Legg said...


You're having the exact same type of Summer I'm having...Lots of fishig trips, great weather, and good friends...It's been pretty cool over here. mid 50's at night and mid to upper 70's for highs. Perfect fishing weather.


Mark said...

Interesting. My dad also was an associate pastor in Tennessee, Iowa, and a pastor in Kentucky...and I live in Texas.
He and mom are retired and now live in Chattanooga where dad attended Bible college in the late 60's. The Hiwassee is where i first fished for trout as a boy back then, and I try to visit (near Reliance) when I am in the area

Tyler Legg said...


Wow... Small world. Maybe these are the focal points or hubs for associate pastors.

My whole family lived in Texas for years. I kind of broke the line there, as I've been a North Carolinian all my life.

Chris Donato said...

Tyler...your post brings back some great memories. I spent several spring breaks on the Hiawassee and look forward to going back. What is the fishing like there in Oct? I am planning a trip for the fall and the Hiawassee in on the list.


Tyler Legg said...

Hey Chris,

Hope all is well. The Hiwassee fishes great in October. This is when the Grannom Caddis make their appearance. Also, the water temps start getting cooler and the trout start to spread out. The midge fishing picks back up in October.


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