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Tyler Legg
Charlotte, NC, United States
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Tuesday, April 7, 2009
1.) I have been very busy with an upcoming essay for school dealing with the physics, terminology and basics of fly fishing and tying. I could write continously about the topic.

2.) Weather wise, across the state has been out of the ordinary. It's been only 48-50 most of the day, while snow and sub-freezing temps are in full gear up in the high country. Folks along the NC/TN line could pick up 4-7" of snow. Just goes to show that winter isn't always over, regardless of if it was 80 degrees Sunday and 3 weeks into Spring.

3.) If your fishing over the next few days, the water will be cold and the trout will be slow and lethargic. It will improve over the next few days, but it will take some time. Make sure you have the usual Quill Gordon (wet, dry and nymph) in your box, along with Blue Quills, BWO's, Black Caddis, and small brown Stonefly patterns. 5-6X is probably the best size for tippet...


chagua said...

I've been there only for vacation. Yeh I'd like to have some relatives there because It's a very good city where you eat very well and you coul see "La Alhambra", a muslim complex with palaces and castles. I don't know if you have hard about it, but Washington Irving wrote a lot of tales of this.
At last I'm home and I can fish a bit, but weather is a bit cool and cloudy. I'll try tomorrow then.
Have a good fishing. Greetings. Fernando.

Tyler Legg said...


Glad you made it back to Spain. Yeah, Washington Irving coined one of the most popular quotes in fly fishing...Anyways, hope you catch some fish tomorrow...


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