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Tyler Legg
Charlotte, NC, United States
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Monday, March 7, 2011

The article below is from the Stop the Closure of National Fish Hatcheries Petition page.


      The federal government is planning to eliminate funding to nine Federal fish hatcheries in GA, TN, KY, UT, MO, ND, and AR, which will result in their closure. The closure of these hatcheries will have a lasting impact on local, State, and federal economies. These facilities also provide enormous ecological and social contributions to local and state communities. Nearly 7 million fish are stocked in waters across the country from only six of these hatcheries. The economic impact is tremendous - over 3,000 jobs created and a total economic output of nearly 300 million dollars is generated by privately owned businesses selling food, lodging and supplies to trout fishermen. For every dollar spent on these fishery programs a return of $67 dollars is generated in the private sector, and for each tax dollar spent producing trout, $2.34 is returned to Washington in federal tax dollars generated from private business. It is ironic that the Fish and Wildlife Service is celebrating the 140th year of their fisheries program; the oldest program in the agency. They are celebrating this historic event by cutting the entire fisheries program by 12.4 million dollars. They are getting a 47.9 million dollar increase in their overall budget, but have chosen to spend that money on other programs and new programs, and scrap a program that brings revenue into the federal budget at a 2.3 to 1 ratio and supports over 3,000 jobs in the private sector!!!   DON'T LET THIS HAPPEN; STAND UP AND BE HEARD!


    Click here to sign the petition. I did, along with 397 concerned outdoorsmen/women and folks who don't want to see these hatcheries go. You're email is confidential, as is everything else (name can be anonymous). Currently there are no hatcheries on the list here in NC. Keep your fingers crossed NC isn't added to the list and the currently threatened hatcheries win the battle.

    Only YOU can prevent forest fires... err... I mean, the Feds from pulling the proverbial rug from beneath our feet!


    Tyler Legg said...


    It is amazing. I won't high tail it up to Washington and tell them what to do (they likely won't listen anyways), but one should educate themselves before making moves such as this. I'm dreading the next thing on their list...

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