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Tyler Legg
Charlotte, NC, United States
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Friday, October 8, 2010
We've been blessed with warmer days and abundant sunshine lately. When fantastic weather combines with DH waters that are on fire, the outcome results in some spectacular fishing...

The NCWRC has really gone above and beyond this year. Compared to last year, dramatically larger fish are
being caught in western NC DH waters. In addition to larger fish, fish counts are very high. The state dumped plenty of fish into western NC DH streams. It was almost as if the method of stocking was by helicopter and a helicopter bucket. 50+ fish days in a matter of hours are being reported by some. Right now, the fish are about as a dumb as Ernest P. Worrell on three bottles of Nyquil. Anything that remotely looks like trout food will usually be eaten. After being pressured a great deal, these fish will start to become increasingly stubborn. With that being said, the usual Prince Nymph, Pheasant Tail, Hares Ear, Elk Hair Caddis, Parachute Adams, or a Woolly Bugger (just to name a few) will catch fish all day. If you're not hanging up on the bottom, or better yet detecting strikes, add a split shot to your leader. Once you get to the right depth, you'll likely catch them left and right. As far as leaders go, stick with a 9ft. 6x is best used as a result of the water being so clear. Stealth is your best weapon. Although stockers are not nearly as spooky as wild fish, they still know to scurry when someone starts splashing through the water.

Wild waters aren't too bad. Like most everywhere else, they're low, but by now anglers and trout alike are pretty much used to it. It's not early fall without low water here in NC. Stealth is again going to be a crucial aspect when on a wild stream. These fish are unbelievably spooky. Once you spot them, they've spotted you. Crouch and crawl into position when approaching a likely looking pool. Standing or running right up to a pool will immediately send the fish swimming for their life. If you spook a pool, forget about fishing it for a while. Fish the next few pools and then come back to the pool and try again about 30 minutes later. 

Catch and Release streams such as the Davidson are fishing relatively well despite the low water. The water temperatures are just right for a trout's liking, so they're pretty happy. Light tippet and small midges are the ticket.

If you're venturing out onto the water this weekend, have fun! Tell us about your trip!


Brk Trt said...

Great info on resting a pool.

The Average Joe Fisherman said...

Now that's how you stock a stream... Rambo style!

The Average Joe Fisherman

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Stocking Schedule Changes!

Make sure you check out the new stocking schedule provided by the NCWRC!

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